My Favorite Things About Moving to Maryland So Far

Cows. Cows everywhere. Cows in fields, cows in barns. Cows sharing fields with sheep. Lots and lots of cows.

The rain. It rained this morning, it rained this afternoon. It was supposed to hail, but it did not.

Eateries that claim “Pizzeria and Tex Mex” as their concurrent food genres. That sounds interesting (and highly suspicious).

It is so, so green. I can only think of Rey, in the latet Star Wars movie, when she says, “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy!”



Also, my housemates are pretty awesome and chill, and I live on the end of a long (paved), narrow road framed by trees drooping with vines. Did I mention how green it is??

The weather really isn’t so bad. It was great today (though with high humidity), and my room has a window AC unit, so I’m set at night.

Now… if we could only banish the stinkbugs, carpenter ants, earwigs, and spiders from the house, I’d be set.

Did I mention that I live in a house that was originally built in the 1840’s? Yeah, pretty cool. Except it has only one (unoriginal) bathroom, and the light switches are in random places. But it is a bona-fide old house, complete with creepy basement and attic and a servants’ stairway and a both-ways swinging door to the dining room. It’s so cool, and weird.

Tomorrow I start my actual job (eep!), and actually get to figure out what exactly I will be doing! Flexibility and fluidity have been really important, and thankfully I’ve accrued the ability to be so, but not having set plans or objectives really stresses me out.

Here are a couple other pictures. I hope all my peeps at home are doing well… I miss you guys already! ❤

The sunset tonight
Bunnies have much squarer noses here!

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